The School of Social Sciences has a long-established tradition in academic studies and research-oriented education. The research activities of the school aim for creating and sharing new knowledge, supporting student guidance and infrastructure development, contributing therefore to society.
The diverse community of researchers of all vocational stages in the School includes early career researchers, senior academics and visiting scholars, which build upon a holistic, collaborative and innovative research culture. The research conducted is internationally acclaimed and relates to the following areas of expertise: quantitative and qualitative methods, social statistics, theoretical and empirical economics, economic and social history, sociology, social anthropology, political theory, political philosophy, social theory, public policy, political economy, comparative political analysis, Greek politics, political communication, political methodology, constitutional law, political sociology, international relations, social policy, social and organizational psychology, psychology and health, child and adolescent development, learning and perception, brain and behavioral sciences. In addition, there are advanced laboratories and research groups focusing on specific domains within each discipline.
One of the primary concerns of the School is to delve into new research areas, to strengthen the current ones, to appeal to qualified researchers and to engage in societal challenges from a critical perspective. We place special emphasis on academic programs in which senior and postgraduate researchers secure financial support from internal and external funding.
Research comprises an integral part of all four Departments of the School and the University of Crete Research Center for the Humanities, the Social Sciences and the Sciences of Education (UCRC). For more detailed information concerning specific research fields, please refer to the webpage of the Department of your interest or the webpage of UCRC.